Ghana’s Postal Codes & Zip Codes


This question has been asked frequently on online forums in ghana and also in diaspora(what is Ghana zip codes or what is Ghana Postal Code). see some of the questions people are asking about this topic below..

where is zip code 00233 in ghana

What is the zip code for Kumasi??

i want Ghana zip codes

what is Ghana’s zip code or post code

accra zip code

ghana zip code

Ghana zip codes

kumasi postal code

example of postal code in ghana

If you always get confused when you are asked to fill in your zip code or your postal code either on a shopping website(E commerce) or while filling an online form please don’t get confused again because after reading this post you will be well educated about the term “Ghana zip codes, Ghana postal codes. Lets dive in..

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What is a Zip Code or Postal code

According to the dictionary, a zip code which is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan means a system used in the U.S. to facilitate the delivery of mail, consisting of a five- or nine-digit code printed directly after the address, the first five digits (initial code) indicating the state and post office or postal zone, the last four (expanded code) the box section or number, portion of a rural route, building, or other specific delivery location. while postal code means a mailing code system used in Canada similar to the zip code in the U.S. and the postcode in Britain. This is just the dictionary term because as of now many country uses zip codes and postal code.

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Is there any difference between the Ghana zip codes, Ghana Postal Code or Ghana Postcode?

The answer is No. From the definition above you would agree with me that they all means the same thing only that they are called zip codes in some countries like USA and then postal codes or post codes in other countries.

What’s the importance of Ghana zip codes or zip codes in General?

To know more about the uses and the importance of a zip code/postal codes read this article>> ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ZIP CODES AND POSTAL CODES

What is the Zip/postal code for Ghana?

At this point i believe we must have learnt what a zip code, postal code and postcode means. But now what is the actual zip code for Ghana? The answer is GHANA HAS NO ZIP CODES OR POSTAL CODES. It is used in some African Countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya etc but not in Ghana. That shouldn’t stop you from using a postal code,  Most people have resorted to using 00233 or 23321. These are numbers they generated by themselves. while some people confuse themselves by using 233. Note 233 is not Ghana zip code or Postal code, It is Ghana International Calling Code which is only used in Ghana. I know that some of you will be asking what to use when filling a form online or when shopping online. you just have to use any code you like but i will suggest using 00233. the 233 is picked from the Ghana Calling code while the 00 means nothing. Mind you 00233 is not the real postal code but since you really need to input your zip or postal code in a form you just have to use anything.

What will happen if i use a wrong  Postal Code/zip code while shopping online?

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When you use an invalid zip code/ postal code online since Ghana has no zip code. nothing will happen and your order will still be delivered to you using your address information you provided while filling the form.

Now i think you know what a zip code or postal code and also you have known that zip code system is not used in Ghana. But its quite unfortunate that most Ghanaian don’t know this, so please let use the share button below to share this post to our social media pages to create more awareness about the term zip code/postal code. do you have any question you would like to ask?? please do that using the comment box below and i will be more than happy to address it.

SOURCE : zipcodespostal

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